Suspens - Design sustainable composites
Suspens - Design sustainable composites


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EMC2 cluster, created in 2005 , is the European manufacturing technology cluster. EMC2 gathers a network of 400 members, composed of large enterprises, research & technical organisations and more than 200 SMEs.

EMC2 aims to foster the emergence of collaborative projects and to reinforce the innovation territoral ecosystem by structuring 5 sectors (equipment goods, energy, aeronautics, shipbuilding and ground transportation) in a common and transversal approach : the advanced manufacturing.

Faurecia, company of the Group FORVIA, is a global automotive technology leader. With 257 industrial sites, 39 R&D centers and 111,000 employees in 33 countries, Faurecia operates through four areas of business: Seating, Interiors, Clarion Electronics and Clean Mobility.

IRT Jules Verne is a mutualized industrial research centre dedicated to manufacturing. Working closely with production equipment manufacturers and integrators, IRT Jules Verne caters to 4 strategic industrial sectors: aeronautics, shipbuilding, the automotive industry, and renewable marine energy. Its vocation is to improve the competitiveness of strategic industrial sectors in France by creating disruptive technologies for manufacturing processes.

The Institute of Chemistry (ICN) is a joint research laboratory between CNRS and UCA, composed of four main research groups.

The Eco-compatible polymer group (MAPEC) within ICN has developed an internationally-recognized expertise on biomass derived materials and valorization of monomers/polymers from biomass into new commodity materials; kinetics of polymerization/phase transitions, thermo-mechanical characterization, polymerization mechanisms.

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

The SUSPENS project has received €4.9 million in funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 101091906